Monthly Horoscope for Taurus

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Taurus"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Taurus".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Taurus, if your birthday is between Apr 20 - May 20.

General Report

Privacy is on your mind, Taurus, as the mighty Mars powers through your sector of solitude (solar twelfth house). This trend continues until the beginning of 2021.

The early months of 2021 will be extremely important for you both personally and professionally, so be sure to use the second half of 2020 to truly plant the seeds you wish to flourish in the future. During these months, you may focus on a project behind the scenes that requires tremendous concentration and energy. Others may feel the need to take a break, whether that is an actual vacation for relaxation or because you need to heal. Be certain not to do anything secretive or wicked in the coming months, because karma could certainly come back to haunt you.

The month also brings you a jewel of a full moon in your sector of achievement on August 3 (solar tenth house). Prepare to welcome in favorable press, public recognition, a promotion, or the opportunity to stand in your own glory. This all ties to how hard you’ve been working in recent months, and you are given a taste of the professional advancement that should be coming to you from 2021 to 2023.

However, despite the pull to your career, your home and family will also be a primary focus in August. With Mercury, the sun, and the new moon all highlighting your domesticity sector, some Taurus could be moving or fixing up their home (solar fourth house). This may be more likely once the new moon occurs on the eighteenth, opening a door to greater stability.

Slightly earlier, though, pay attention to the days around August 15, as Uranus, now in your sun sign, turns backward. Over the coming months, you will be reassessing new strategies to embrace your most authentic self (solar first house).

The most energizing moment of the month will be when the sun dashes into your fun and recreation sector on the twenty-second (solar fifth house). In the weeks ahead, expect to feel more inspired and expressive, and look for more romance and passion to ignite within your heart.

Standout days: 11, 18, 25
Challenging days: 2, 3, 30

Career Report

The month begins with the sun making a square to Uranus in Taurus in your sign on August 2. You may be feeling impatient with managers or your employer overall. By the time the full moon in Aquarius lights up the sky the next day, you might feel ready for a confrontation. But before you speak, work behind the scenes to get all your ducks in a row. Slow and steady wins the race, but sitting on your hands gets you nowhere.

On the thirteenth, Mars in Aries makes a square to Pluto in harmonious Capricorn. This is an aspect of determination and focus, especially in the areas of teaching, publishing, and law. Apply this concentrated energy to your most difficult projects all week and you’ll make great headway. Put yourself on a schedule and allow no interruptions.

On August 24, Mars makes a square to disciplined Saturn. This energy is about proceeding slowly and cautiously, two concepts Taurus natives understand at the core level. At this time, you can complete educational projects, finish a dissertation, or get a certification for employment.

Health Report

The key to getting the most out of this month may be to regulate your energy level so that you avoid feeling depleted. With fiery Mars in a quieter and more spiritual sector, you may find that yoga, tai chi, or some other spiritual practice can help calm a racing mind and restore your vitality.

As a Taurus, you often enjoy a chance to indulge your senses, and this can also have the added bonus of relaxing you while leaving you calm, alert, and ready to tackle any challenges that arise. Having your partner massage you or relaxing in a scented bath can leave you feeling soothed and refreshed.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Taurus.

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Taurus Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Taurus


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