Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Sagittarius"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Sagittarius".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Sagittarius, if your birthday is between Nov 22 - Dec 21.

General Report

The month begins with you speaking your mind, Sagittarius, with a full moon in your communication sector taking place on August 3 (solar third house). This may elicit an important contract that requires your signature, or you could be engaged in a writing or speaking project. Some Sagittarius can harness this fuel toward a marketing or advertising endeavor as well.

Expansion into new territory calls your name at this time, which is exactly the kind of music you love to hear! This is because the sun and Mercury will be spending most of the month in this sector (solar ninth house). Depending on your lifestyle and location, this may foretell a desire to travel overseas or interact with new cultures. Other Sagittarius could suddenly become focused on expanding their mind, whether that is through academics, self-education, or spiritual practices.

If you are at all involved with the media or publishing, now would be an excellent moment to work aggressively. The new moon on the eighteenth will open doors to you here, so prepare to venture to new horizons.

Prepare for your career to take center stage as soon as the sun is in this zone from August 22 onward (solar tenth house). Over the coming month, you will likely see greater success, but it will be tied to how hard you have been working up to that point. If you’re looking for a better job or increased prominence, the weeks ahead should open the doors for you.

Standout days: 16, 17, 29
Challenging days: 4, 24, 25

Career Report

An exciting month begins with the possibility of lots of changes. You might be entering school or starting a graduate program. You could be learning new things about your job.

On August 13, Mars in your house of risk-taking makes a square to Pluto in your house of finance. You might feel inspired to go after true wealth. You could feel you’ve found the key to get you there. This is an aspect of unbridled ambition and focus. Picture riding a roller coaster with your hands in the air and recognize that the excitement comes from the ups and downs.

On the twenty-fourth, Mars makes a square to Saturn, and now you are challenged. The work on your desk may have you feeling overwhelmed at first, but Saturn gives you the discipline and fortitude to work at things until you've got it. Don't let fear keep you from being effective. Take things line by line if you have to. No matter how big the project, you can get it done.

Health Report

Whatever your health goals, joining a group or forum where you can discuss your issues with others could give you tremendous support. It also offers opportunities to get a fresh perspective on key matters. Don’t underestimate the power of encouragement or a compliment, because it can make the difference between staying the course or not.

On another note, you may feel like investing in supplements or a class (online or in person, depending on your circumstances) that can keep your health on track. Equally, a focus on an intense zone hints that deepening your relationship with your inner self can also be very healing.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Sagittarius.

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Sagittarius Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Sagittarius


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