Monthly Horoscope for Pisces

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Pisces"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Pisces".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Pisces, if your birthday is between Feb 19 - Mar 20.

General Report

With Mars, the planet of energy, activating your financial sector until early 2021, all Pisces are being taught a great deal about money (solar second house). On the positive side of things, this could bring you much more, especially if you are working hard and fighting for it. Contrarily, though, this may indicate that you are spending money and savings rapidly and can barely keep it within your grasp. If you need help, reach out to a financial adviser or accountant to guide your way.

August should be quite a busy month for the most part, except that the full moon on August 3 may demand you take a step back, rest, and relax. This full moon emphasizes healing, privacy, and solitude (solar twelfth house). However, this may also signal that you’re working steadily behind the scenes on an important project that is not yet ready to see the light of day. Just be careful not to burn yourself out!

The sun and Mercury will energize your productivity sector throughout much of the month, though, so it’s likely you’re quite needed on the job (solar sixth house). If looking for work, the new moon on the eighteenth may signal that a hiring manager finally reaches out to you.

The first weeks of this month are also excellent for improving your diet or fitness goals, so consider how you can add this to your routine.

Finally, as the sun moves into your partnership sector on the twenty-second, prepare to feel your relationships heat up (solar seventh house). The current standing in your partnerships—whether business or romantic—will come into your awareness in the month ahead. Negotiations may also occur during this time. However, if you’re single and looking, you have an opportunity to attract someone who will be more likely to stand at your side.

Standout days: 18, 27, 29
Challenging days: 4, 25, 30

Career Report

Significant changes in your industry could be announced this month around the full moon in Aquarius on August 3. It would be good to meditate on this and visualize how this will affect your position in the near and distant future.

On the thirteenth, Mars makes a square to powerful Pluto in your house of money derived from career. Use this energy to focus your ambition on what you really want, and see the hurdles you have to jump shrink to nothingness. This is a good time to connect with motivators and influencers through conferences or courses.

On August 24, Mars in your second house of money makes a square to Saturn, the planet of expertise through hard work. Real financial success is possible through discipline and making your money work for you. All the education you need is available to you for free online. Saturn asks if you’re willing to trade your time for success. Set your inhibitions aside and focus on asking yourself good questions. The universe will yield great answers.

Health Report

The sun is in your wellness zone until August 22, so this can be a sterling month for increased vitality. Your overall health could improve, and a sense of vibrancy and well-being may fill you.

You might feel a natural urge to improve your fitness and body image so that you can look and feel your best. With flexible Mercury in this zone for two weeks starting on the fourth, you may be looking for information on how you can get the most out of your exercise and training sessions.

Plus, a new moon in this zone on August 18 is perfect for kick-starting good habits and relinquishing bad ones.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Pisces.

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Pisces Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Pisces


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