Monthly Horoscope for Libra

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Libra"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Libra".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Libra, if your birthday is between Sep 23 - Oct 22.

General Report

Partnership, collaboration, and union are top priorities at this time, Libra (solar seventh house), as well as a focus on your domesticity and family (solar fourth house). Over the coming months, Mars will encourage you to work one-on-one with the perfect partner because you can make more progress as a team. This could mean working with someone professionally, such as an agent, attorney, publicist, social media manager, or fitness trainer.

Single Libras may be hungrily looking for the perfect match, and with the full moon on August 3 igniting your heart, you could see a breathtaking romantic moment appear. Whether you’re single or attached, use this to plan something memorable that can align your heart with a twin flame (solar fifth house). This blessed full moon may also bear fruit in the form of a pregnancy, birth, or exciting news related to a child. Last, if you are creative, an exciting opportunity to showcase your work could also appear.

More fun is written in the stars as the sun and Mercury both heat up your social sector throughout much of the month (solar eleventh house). When the new moon arrives on the eighteenth, you could be invited to a lovely event or social gathering that promises to be especially lively. If you’re choosing to social distance instead, engage with your network digitally.

Finally, when the sun decides it needs a reprieve, it will enter your privacy sector on August 22 (solar twelfth house). Over the coming month, you will reflect on your life and contemplate where you have been and where you still want to go. This is a wonderful time to heal and work with someone who can guide you, whether that is a medical professional, therapist, or guru.

Standout days: 3, 17, 18
Challenging days: 1, 25, 30

Career Report

The full moon in Aquarius on August 3 lights up your areas of risk-taking and money derived from career. It’s okay to negotiate for more money. It doesn't matter what the company budget is if you make a good case for why you deserve a raise. Go online and look at what experts say is the best way to ask for more money in a business situation. Do your homework and you can succeed.

On the thirteenth, Mars makes a square to Pluto, and you feel your energy increase and ambition grow stronger. Let go of insecurities. Fortune favors the bold. Gather a list of people you admire and reach out to them through e-mail or DM. You’ll be amazed by what happens.

On August 24, Mars makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn and your house of real estate. Use caution when investing in property. Saturn requires expertise for success. This is a good time to study these types of investments through professional groups, books, and courses.

Health Report

Getting your work/life balance sorted out might be one of the best things you can do for yourself. There’s a good chance that recent weeks have been hectic and that August will continue to be so. With Neptune continuing its journey through your wellness sector, the cosmos is encouraging you to take time out to relax and recharge.

A practice such as meditation or yoga could also help you feel calmer and enjoy greater peace of mind. You may find you can handle daily stresses much better by taking time out to meditate. This will have a positive impact on you overall.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Libra.

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Libra Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Libra


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