Monthly Horoscope for Leo

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Leo"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Leo".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Leo, if your birthday is between Jul 23 - Aug 22.

General Report

With so much planetary energy invigorating you, Leo, you’ll certainly adore August. While you are obviously within your solar return—the time when the sun once again crosses the point where it was at your birth—you are now able to better establish the patterns you’d like to continue in the coming year. Your solar return is a snapshot of what’s in store, so use this time to meditate upon your vision board and then go forth to create it (solar first house).

The month begins with a full moon highlighting your partnerships (solar seventh house) on August 3. This may unite you more closely with someone, perhaps by moving in, getting engaged, or forging a business agreement. It also could push you apart if you’re no longer in alignment, such as a breakup, parting of ways, or divorce. Single Leos may notice that someone with long-term potential crosses their path, so now is the time to be clear on what you want in a significant other.

Mercury enters your sun sign on the fourth, bringing you mental clarity (solar first house). Uranus, the planet of revolution, turns retrograde in your career zone on August 15, so over the coming months you may notice that the newfound paths you’d been taking to lift higher in your industry begin to slow down. This will offer you an opportunity to improve your plan of attack (solar tenth house).

The new moon on the eighteenth is the most important lunation of the year for you because it opens a door for you to create the life of your dreams. With it falling in your sun sign, you hold the power to manifest your destiny by utilizing all of the open doors now.

Finally, when the sun brings greater attention to your finances from August 22 on, expect to see prosperity ebb and flow. Your expenses will likely increase, but your ability to generate more income will also increase in the weeks ahead (solar second house).

Standout days: 16, 18, 25
Challenging days: 2, 3, 10

Career Report

Other people may be throwing you curveballs this month as the full moon in Aquarius lights up your house of partnerships on August 3. A business partner may be bowing out or telling you they want to change directions. It could take some negotiation to get them back on track, or perhaps it's time to part ways. There are changes happening with technology or society that could bring you new opportunities.

On the thirteenth, Mars in your house of legal matters and contracts makes a square to Pluto. Opportunities hinge on paperwork that may be sitting on your desk or someone else’s desk. It might take a few phone calls and some negotiation to get things moving forward again.

On August 24, Mars in Aries makes a square to Saturn in your house of daily routines. This is a hardworking aspect that can bring success if you’re disciplined. It's good to look at how you schedule your time. Take steps to eliminate procrastination, such as improving your office setup.

Health Report

The sun in your sign and fiery Mars in Aries can go a long way toward helping restore your vital energy. With a powerful focus on your wellness zone and with key planets in reverse, your get-up-and-go could fluctuate. As this state of affairs may continue until next month when upbeat Jupiter turns direct, it would pay not to be too hard on yourself.

You might also find that weight training that suits your lifestyle and age group can be very strengthening when done in the right way. Plus, the new moon in your sign on August 18 is perfect for initiating positive new health habits.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Leo.

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Leo Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Leo


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