Monthly Horoscope for Gemini

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Gemini"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Gemini".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Gemini, if your birthday is between May 21 - Jun 20.

General Report

You’ll be thinking about all of your hopes, dreams, and goals now and in the coming months, Gemini. With Mars energizing you to think big for many months, you’re setting out to reach greater fulfillment (solar eleventh house). Some Geminis may also notice that their social life is especially active now—and it’s about time, because you’re ready to spread your wings and fly.

The full moon on August 3 falls within your expansion sector, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new horizons (solar ninth house). For some of you, this may signal an important decision regarding immigration or overseas travel. Others may be focused on opening up their mind, whether through academics or spirituality. If you happen to be involved in media or publishing, this full moon should also signal exciting developments.

Throughout much of August, your mind is especially speedy, and you’re fueled to express yourself even more than usual. With Mercury, bringing wit and persuasive power to you, all of your communications should go well.

The new moon on the eighteenth may also bring vibrant news related to a writing, speaking, or advertising project. This special lunation may also see you driving off for a day trip to a nearby locale. If you do so, it will bring many surprises.

Later in August, the sun cozies up in your domestic sector, setting the tone for the weeks ahead. Some Geminis could focus more attention on their family, while others will likely contemplate if they are truly happy in their current residence. With the sun adding strength here, you should be able to find the right path forward.

Standout days: 17, 25, 29
Challenging days: 1, 3, 30

Career Report

The month begins with strong Aquarius energy, harmonious to your sign, bringing new opportunities outside your normal field of expertise. It's good to take the risk. Venus enters the sign of Cancer on August 7, and this could cause you to spend way above your budget.

On the thirteenth, energetic Mars makes a square to ruthless Pluto. It’s possible now that someone is dangling just what you want in front of you and asking you to jump. But it's not necessary for you to change who you are to make this opportunity happen. Focus your energy on getting to yes. If it slips through your fingers, know that it will return when Mars goes retrograde next month and brings you another chance to grab it.

On August 24, Mars in Aries makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn and your house of finance. This week is the time to review where your money is going and how it's working for you down to the penny. Put any insecurities aside. You are Gemini, the sign of calculations, and you can do this.

Health Report

You may become something of an example for other people to follow because of your love of movement and flexibility. This month’s influences can put you in a position to help those who are having difficulties with their exercise routine, diet, or training regimen.

In fact, if you enjoy such activities, you could find coaching rewarding, and you may discover that you’re naturally good at it. Even so, with edgy influences occurring between August 13 and August 24, you would be wise not to push yourself too hard. Instead of giving yourself more to do, allow some time to relax and recuperate. You’ll feel better for it.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Gemini.

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Gemini Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Gemini


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