Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius

Horoscope predictions for the Zodiac Sign "Aquarius"

Monthly Horoscope Predictions with general, career and health reports for the Zodiac Sign "Aquarius".

18182020/may Your zodiac sign is Aquarius, if your birthday is between Jan 20 - Feb 18.

General Report

A full moon in your sun sign rocks the night on August 3, Aquarius. This will be one of the most important times of the year for you, as you will likely see a personal goal close to your heart come into bloom (solar first house). You are in the spotlight at this time, so use your dominance to strategically move toward your goals.

However, as much as this moment is all about you, the planets are also drawing a great deal of attention toward your significant partnerships (solar seventh house). With Mercury joining the sun here within the first week, you will likely see that you are being required to work as a team. Collaboration will shine now.

Also, if you’d like to make long-term plans with your significant other, even as far as engagement, marriage, or honeymoon planning, be sure to use the new moon on the eighteenth to start orchestrating this. While there is a possibility that you could experience a breakup during this time, it is less likely because this is more often a time of union rather than separation. This bodes well for single Aquarius as well, who could find someone with serious partner potential.

Yet, as the sun enters your intimacy sector on August 22 for the entire month ahead, you may be considering the give and take in your relationships (solar eighth house). If you wish to hash out your emotional, intimate, or sexual needs, this would be an auspicious time.

Last, if seeking aid, such as from a business or financial investor, negotiations at this time could go in your favor.

Standout days: 3, 11, 17
Challenging days: 2, 10, 15

Career Report

The full moon in Aquarius on August 3 gives you a burst of energy. Use this to make new connections with potential business partners or collaborate with other companies. Reach out and connect with colleagues who have moved on to better jobs.

On the thirteenth, Mars makes a square to determined Pluto. You can use this energy to remove blocks to your success. This is a good time to explore healing modalities such as tapping, EMDR, or hypnosis to remove a fear of public speaking or even a fear of success. Pluto allows you to remove affectations and distractions. Clean off your desk to focus on what really needs to be done.

On August 24, Mars makes a square to Saturn in Capricorn and the most powerful place in your chart, rising on the horizon. Saturn in Capricorn focuses on the old ways as Aquarius natives search for innovative new methods to automate and delegate. Look at tasks and ask yourself what this would look like if it could be completed in half the time. Use this to streamline your work.

Health Report

You may find your energy is best channeled by walking or hiking in nature, swimming, yoga, or tai chi. By balancing out the energy flow throughout your body, you’ll feel more grounded, more vital, and more able to get on with everyday tasks.

On another note, taking the time to release deep-seated emotions and resolve complex relationship issues can also be good for you. If you’re hanging on to negative feelings, practicing the emotional freedom technique (EFT) and releasing them on a daily basis can have a huge and very positive impact on the way you feel, your well-being, and your mental and emotional state.
This monthly horoscope is for those who born with zodiac sign Aquarius.

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Aquarius Zodiac Sign: Monthly Horoscope for Aquarius


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